I've been in a bit of a funk recently. A cloud of depression has been hovering and motivation has been low, be it for making new designs or washing the dishes. To top it off I caught a Christmas bug, preventing me from running which is my favourite distraction.
I have a quirky CD about Buddhist meditation. It's mostly been used as a sleep aid, a good one as I've never got past Disc 1 (of 4); but something from Disc 1 that has sunk in, is the suggestion that happiness is a practice rather than a product of the insatiable pursuit of material things, and an idea that ties in with mindfulness or staying 'in the moment'.
I was pondering how I might boil this idea down into a pithy motivational phrase, and started with a mantra of "stay busy, stay happy". A call to make something of my day and feel better in the process.
'Busy' must have led me subconciously to 'bees' and a t-shirt design I once started (I must finish that) with wasps drawn in the 'rubber hose' limb style of early animations like Steamboat Willie, revived for modern audiences in the game Cuphead.
My end product was this drawing...

...and the caption 'Keep busy bee happy' when on Zazzle products. As a byproduct of the character rushing about with pails of liquid (the nectar could be any beverage) I've also used the caption "Caffeine incoming!" or similar, on drink related items. Use "Personalize this template" on the Zazzle product page to replace my captions with your own. Some examples:
Available on 40 items with more coming online. Hope you like him.