New Year, five new and improved products looking for a fresh start. Here are your resolutions:
1) Eat more whole foods. Chopping is more cheerful with a raccoon comedy cutting board.
2) Brighten up a birthday. Send this Owlvis impersonator greeting card. Thankyouverymuch.
3) Party like a pachyderm. Rhi-know you want to. It's a rhinoceros themed party invitation*.
4) Tell the world who you are. You're a Nature Lover*, it says so on your panda lunch box.
5) Attack your new year goals. A Data Ninja* black cat on an iPad cover.
* After clicking through to the Zazzle product page, you can click "Personalize this template" to tweak the text if desired. Add your event details to the invitation, make your Data Ninja a something else Ninja, or replace my hilarious captions with slightly more hilarious captions.