Friday, 26 August 2016

Black Cat Ninja Attack

Last week was Action Cat Week at NoodleWings. Action cat number one is a black cat ninja, to remind people that black cats are cool for Black Cat Appreciation Day: one day a year (17th August... I'm presuming it's fixed there?) to remind people that black cats tend to get passed over for adoption due to silly superstitions and not standing out in the crowd.

The cat is my pet of choice. My most consistent best friend as a child was a cat, but these days I'm tragically prevented from getting one due to accommodation suitability issues.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Soccer Gecko

Way back through the mists of time, before Wimbledon, before the Rio Olympics, there was a thing called Euro 2016. People in England have been trying to forget all about it, but it happened. What's less well known is that it was also the beginning of NoodleWings sports week! I've already posted drawing number two from that week, the tricky tennis pine marten. Things are slightly out of order around here at the moment, above is drawing number one.

Drawn in dedication to Portugal's win and in fear of Zazzle copyright issues, I went for an invented shirt logo and no references to Ronaldo. I've never been to Portugal, but I have been to Spain, where I was always delighted when geckos came to visit the villa. I read that they're also common visitors to Portuguese homes, so it's a gecko footballer. Gecknaldo.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Capybara Rhythmic Gymnast

The Rio Olympics are in full swing, so last week was NoodleWings Olympics week. There were stories about burrowing owls and capybaras invading the new golf course, which reminded me how great capybaras are, so it had to be a capybara cartoon for drawing number one. Obviously capybaras would choose rhythmic gymnastics over golf; it's a bit more psychedelic what with all the costumes and ribbons, and they are the spaced out hippies of the rodent world.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Cheeky Pine Marten

I drew this cheeky Scottish pine marten doing a through-the-legs tennis trick shot to celebrate Andy Murray's 2016 Wimbledon title - and now he's gone and won another title, his second Olympic gold medal, this one at Rio 2016; which gives me a second chance to do the blog post I should have done when I first drew it. Nice one Andy Murray... and for the gold medal too, that was quite good.

Saturday, 13 August 2016

I Love Cake

Bridesmaids was on TV again the other day, round about the time I was mulling over doing some celebration related cartoons for my Zazzle store; something a bit more marketable than sloths in pants and patriotic birds riding groundhogs. There's a scene where a cake left on a doorstep as a 'making up' present is eaten by raccoons, and this became the inspiration for cartoon no 1 (above) of that week.